Empowering Through Education: Commitment to Social Responsibility  

Zverejnené: Aug 28. 2024
Commitment to Social Responsibility by Touch4IT

At Touch4IT, we believe success is about more than just profits—it’s about making a difference. We're all in for boosting education, championing equality, and keeping our team and community thriving. Curious to read how we're shaking up Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the social field? 

Our Top Priorities: Keeping Team Safe and Healthy  

We take our commitment to the community seriously, including ensuring that our activities have minimal negative impact. How do we prioritize the well-being of our team members?  

  • Regular health and safety training (BOZP) and ISO-compliant documentation.  
  • We offer access to a gym with a private trainer, sauna, and fresh fruit in our office to promote physical health.  
  • Flexible working hours, including the option for a home office. 
  • The contribution towards the first therapy session is free, and the next one is at a 50% discount.  
Commitment to Social Responsibility by Touch4IT
  • Organized team-building activities such as week-long trips to Croatia, mountain excursions, BBQs, and themed parties like Christmas, Halloween,... 
  • Additionally, we run a fitness challenge using the "Strava app," where team members earn kilometers commuting to work for a chance to win a voucher. 
Commitment to Social Responsibility by Touch4ITCommitment to Social Responsibility by Touch4IT

Touch4IT Gives Back: Our Philanthropic Impact  

We like to celebrate with purpose. That means when our team members celebrate birthdays or anniversaries, they can choose to donate to one of our supported non-profit organizations. But that's not all – they also have the option to receive gifts like book vouchers, discounts on adventures, or even surprise presents like flight vouchers. Which non-profit organizations did our colleagues choose to support in 2024? 

Fighting Corruption:  

Corruption hurts everyone, so we're taking a stand. We support "Stop Corruption," an organization dedicated to reducing corruption in Slovakia.  

Find out more at Zastavme korupciu.  

Supporting People in Need:  

We proudly support "Human in Need," an organization that helps people affected by wars, natural disasters, and oppressive regimes.  

Want to know more? Visit Človek v ohrození. 

Empowering Women:  

Through "Women in Distress," we support women and children facing violence in their homes. Find out more about their impactful work at OZ Žena v tiesni.  

Helping Samko:  

Samko is the son of our colleague and needs special care for cerebral palsy and epilepsy. See their story at Smejko Samko.  

We are proud of everyone in our company who wants to help. This approach shows our dedication to making a positive impact beyond our work, fostering a community spirit where everyone at Touch4IT can contribute to making the world a better place.  

Commitment to Social Responsibility by Touch4ITCommitment to Social Responsibility by Touch4IT

Empowering Through Education: Commitment to Learning and Growth  

We're offering our team members education opportunities because we believe in the power of learning and growth. It's not just about keeping our team sharp—it's about making sure they're happy and fulfilled. What kinds of education can they access? 

Internal Growth Initiatives:  

  • Knowledge Shares:  

Our experienced colleagues and expert team members regularly hold sessions to share their wisdom. 

  • Education Budgets:  

Each team has its own learning fund. This covers books, conference tickets, and even special lectures.  

  • Junior Mentorship:  

Every junior team member gets a senior buddy who guides them through tasks and helps them develop.  

  • Language Skills:  

We offer English courses to enhance everyone's communication abilities. 

Commitment to Social Responsibility by Touch4IT

External Learning Opportunities:  

  • Touch4IT Academy:  

We have free onsite academies in various tech departments for whoever wants to attend. There’s also an online academy with exciting topics like AI and Machine Learning. 

  • Hackathons with Pronea:  

We love joining Pronea's hackathons. High school students present their solutions and products, and our team, including founders, designers, and developers, steps up as technical mentors. 

  • University Partnerships:  

We enjoy teaching workshops and giving talks at universities, sharing our knowledge with eager students.  

Commitment to Social Responsibility by Touch4IT

Embracing Diversity: A Workplace for Everyone 

At Touch4IT, we proudly celebrate diversity, including women in IT, by offering equal pay and regular recognition. Gender equality is at the forefront of our values, ensuring fair treatment and opportunities for growth. We take discrimination seriously, using anti-discrimination laws and HR questionnaires to quickly address any concerns. Our aim is to create a safe and friendly environment where every team member, regardless of gender, can thrive based on their abilities and contributions. 

Commitment to Social Responsibility by Touch4IT
If you like our company's philanthropy and would like to work with us on projects, or if you already have one and just need to present it to someone, reach out to us via LinkedIn. We look forward to the potential collaboration! 


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Corporate Social Responsibility

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